require import AllCore List Distr DBool DInterval SmtMap CV2EC Finite LibExt. (*---*) import MRat FSet. (* require PROM. *) require UnitRO LR. require OUT_CCA. require OutsiderCCA. (* parameters *) (* NOTE: here qe and qd denote queries PER USER *) op n : { int | 0 < n } as n_gt0. op qe : { int | 0 < qe } as qe_gt0. op qd : { int | 0 <= qd } as qd_ge0. (* Axiomatization of a KEM *) type keyseed, encseed, key, pkey, skey, ciphertext. (* finiteness of types*) axiom keyseed_fin : finite_type<:keyseed>. axiom pkey_fin : finite_type<:pkey>. axiom skey_fin : finite_type<:skey>. axiom encseed_fixed: fixed_type<:encseed>. axiom cipher_fixed : fixed_type<:ciphertext>. axiom key_fixed : fixed_type<:key>. op pkgen : keyseed -> pkey. op skgen : keyseed -> skey. op encap : encseed -> skey -> pkey -> (ciphertext*key). op decap : skey -> pkey -> ciphertext -> key option. axiom encapK (ks1 ks2 : keyseed) (es : encseed) : let (c, k) = encap es (skgen ks1) (pkgen ks2) in decap (skgen ks2) (pkgen ks1) c = Some k. op PK : real. axiom PK_coll (pk : pkey) : mu1 (dmap duni pkgen) pk <= PK. clone import OutsiderCCA as AK with type keyseed <- keyseed, type encseed <- encseed, type pkey <- pkey, type skey <- skey, type key <- key, type ciphertext <- ciphertext, op encap <- encap, op decap <- decap, op pkgen <- pkgen, op skgen <- skgen, op PK <- PK, op OutsiderCCA.qe <- qe*n, op OutsiderCCA.qd <- qd*n, op OutsiderCCA.n <- n, op dkeyseed <- duni, op dencseed <- duni, op dkey <- duni, axiom encapK <- encapK, axiom PK_coll <- PK_coll proof* by smt(duni_ll keyseed_fin encseed_fixed key_fixed n_gt0 qe_gt0 fixed_fin). (* TODO CV2EC: only clone bitstring if it is actually used *) (* Should make this clone of Bitstring unnecessary *) clone import OUT_CCA as CV with type kemciph_t <- ciphertext, type kemkey_t <- key, type kemseed_t <- encseed, type keypairseed_t <- keyseed, type pkey_t <- pkey, type skey_t <- skey, type AuthEncap_res_t <- (ciphertext * key), type AuthDecap_res_t <- key option, op AuthDecap <- (fun x => let (c, sk, pk) = x in decap sk pk c), op AuthDecap_Some <- Some, op AuthDecap_None <- None, op AuthEncap_None <- witness, op AuthEncap_r <- (fun x => let (es, pk, sk) = x in encap es sk pk), op AuthEncap_enc_r <- (fun x => let (es, pk, sk) = x in (encap es sk pk).`1), op AuthEncap_key_r <- (fun x => let (es, pk, sk) = x in (encap es sk pk).`2), op AuthEncap_tuple <- (fun kc : _ * _ => (kc.`2,kc.`1)), op pkgen <- pkgen, op skgen <- skgen, op get_as_AuthEncap_tuple <- (fun x : ciphertext * key => Some(x.`2,x.`1)), op b_N <- n, op b_Qdperuser <- qd, op b_Qeperuser <- qe (* proof AuthDecap_Some_inj,eq_1 by smt(),*. *) proof*. realize AuthDecap_Some_inj by done. realize eq_1 by done. realize eq_2 by done. realize eq_AuthDecap by smt(encapK). realize AuthEncap_tuple_inj by smt(). realize keypairseed_t_fin by apply keyseed_fin. realize pkey_t_fin by apply pkey_fin. realize skey_t_fin by apply skey_fin. realize kemciph_t_fixed by apply cipher_fixed. realize kemkey_t_fixed by apply key_fixed. realize kemseed_t_fixed by apply encseed_fixed. realize AuthEncap_res_t_fixed by apply/prod_fixed;[apply cipher_fixed| apply key_fixed]. realize AuthDecap_res_t_countable by smt(fixed_fin key_fixed). module ORedOut (O : OutsiderCCA.Oracle) : CV.Oracles_i = { include var LHS_(OL_ks.RO, OL_s_1.RO)[init] proc r_i(i : int) : unit = { if (1 <= i && i <= n /\ (i \notin m_r_i) ) { m_r_i.[i] <- tt; O.pkey(i); (* sample the kemseed for i *) } } proc r_ie(i : int, ie : int) : unit = { if ((1 <= i && i <= n) /\ (1 <= ie && ie <= qe) /\ (i \in m_r_i) /\ (i,ie) \notin m_r_ie) { m_r_ie.[(i, ie)] <- tt; } } proc p_OAEncap(i : int, ie : int, pk_R : pkey) : ciphertext * key = { var aout : ciphertext * key <- witness; if ((1 <= i && i <= n) /\ (1 <= ie && ie <= qe) /\ ((i, ie) \in m_r_ie) /\ ((i, ie) \notin m_OAEncap)) { m_OAEncap.[(i, ie)] <- pk_R; aout <@ O.encap(i,pk_R); } return aout; } proc p_OADecap(i : int, id : int, pk_S : pkey, enc : ciphertext) : key option = { var aout : key option <- witness; if ((1 <= i && i <= n) /\ (1 <= id && id <= qd) /\ (i \in m_r_i) /\ ((i, id) \notin m_OADecap)) { m_OADecap.[(i, id)] <- (pk_S, enc); aout <@ O.decap(i,pk_S,enc); } return aout; } proc p_Opk(i : int) : pkey = { var aout : pkey <- witness; if ((1 <= i && i <= n) /\ (i \in m_r_i) /\ (i \notin m_Opk)) { m_Opk.[i] <- tt; aout <@ O.pkey(i); (* this will always just fetch a key *) } return aout; } }. module (RedOut (A : CV.Adversary) : OutsiderCCA.Adversary) (O : OutsiderCCA.Oracle) = { proc guess() = { var r; ORedOut(O).init(); r <@ A(ORedOut(O)).distinguish(); return r; } }. import OutsiderCCA. import CV. section. declare module A <: Adversary{-LHS,-RHS, -OL_ks.RO, -OL_s_1.RO, -OR_ks.RO, -OR_s_1.RO, -K.RO, -C.Count, -Oreal, -Oideal, -OL_ks.FRO, -OR_ks.FRO, (* Leaked from PROM *) -C.Count, -Oideal, -O2.C.Count, -O2.Oreal, -O2.Oideal, -O2.B, -O2.CB.Count, -B, -Oreal, -KS}. declare axiom A_ll : forall (O <: Oracles{-A}), islossless O.r_i => islossless O.r_ie => islossless O.p_OAEncap => islossless O.p_OADecap => islossless O.p_Opk => islossless A(O).distinguish. module B (A : Adversary) = O2.B(Bbad(RedOut(A))). (* Step 1 : The EC model samples the kemseed locally, so we replace the respective oracle with LRO *) local module Dl(O : OL_ks.RO) = { proc distinguish() = { var r; LHS.m_r_ie <- empty; LHS.m_r_i <- empty; LHS.m_OAEncap <- empty; LHS.m_OADecap <- empty; LHS.m_Opk <- empty; OL_s_1.RO.init(); r <@ A(LHS_(O,OL_s_1.RO)).distinguish(); return r; } }. equiv LHS_LRO : CV.Game(LHS_(OL_ks.RO, OL_s_1.RO), A).main ~ CV.Game(LHS_(OL_ks.LRO, OL_s_1.RO), A).main : ={glob A} ==> ={res}. proof. proc*. transitivity*{1} { r <@ OL_ks.MainD(Dl,OL_ks.RO).distinguish() ; }; 1,2: smt(). - inline{1} 1; inline{1} 1. inline{2} 1; inline{2} 3. by swap{2} 2 6; sim. transitivity*{1} { r <@ OL_ks.MainD(Dl,OL_ks.LRO).distinguish() ; }; 1,2: smt(). - call (OL_ks.FullEager.RO_LRO Dl); auto; smt(dencseed_ll). inline{2} 1; inline{2} 1. inline{1} 1; inline{1} 3. by swap{1} 2 6; sim. qed. local module Dr(O : OR_ks.RO) = { proc distinguish() = { var r; RHS.v_ce <- empty; RHS.v_k_1 <- empty; RHS.v_k'' <- empty; RHS.m_r_ie <- empty; RHS.m_r_i <- empty; RHS.m_OAEncap <- empty; RHS.m_OADecap <- empty; RHS.m_Opk <- empty; RHS.t_E <- []; RHS.lr_k' <- empty; OR_s_1.RO.init(); r <@ A(RHS_(O,OR_s_1.RO)).distinguish(); return r; } }. equiv RHS_LRO : CV.Game(RHS_(OR_ks.RO, OR_s_1.RO), A).main ~ CV.Game(RHS_(OR_ks.LRO, OR_s_1.RO), A).main : ={glob A} ==> ={res}. proof. proc*. transitivity*{1} { r <@ OL_ks.MainD(Dr,OL_ks.RO).distinguish() ; }; 1,2: smt(). - inline{1} 1; inline{1} 1. inline{2} 1; inline{2} 3. by swap{2} 2 11; sim. transitivity*{1} { r <@ OL_ks.MainD(Dr,OL_ks.LRO).distinguish() ; }; 1,2: smt(). - call (OL_ks.FullEager.RO_LRO Dr); auto; smt(dencseed_ll). inline{2} 1; inline{2} 1. inline{1} 1; inline{1} 3. by swap{1} 2 11; sim. qed. (* Part 2: Equivalence of LHS game and the "Real" Outsider-CCA game *) (* For the LHS, the equivalence is straightforward, if we use a LRO to get the randomness for [encap] *) local equiv LHS_LRO_Real : CV.Game(LHS_(OL_ks.LRO, OL_s_1.RO), A).main ~ OutsiderCCA.Game(OutsiderCCA.Oreal(OutsiderCCA.KS), RedOut(A)).main : ={glob A} ==> ={res}. proof. proc; inline*; wp. call (: ={glob LHS_} /\ OL_s_1.RO.m{1} = K.RO.m{2} /\ (forall i, i \in OL_ks.RO.m => i \in LHS.m_OAEncap){1} /\ (forall i, i \in LHS.m_r_i <=> i \in OL_s_1.RO.m){1} /\ (forall i ie, (i,ie) \in LHS.m_r_ie => i \in LHS.m_r_i){1} ). - proc; inline*; if; 1,3: by auto. rcondt{2} ^if; 1: by auto. auto => />; smt(mem_set). - proc; if; 1,3: by auto. by inline*; auto => />; smt(mem_set). - proc; sp 1 1; if; 1,3: by auto. inline*; rcondt{2} ^if; 1: by auto. rcondt{1} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => />; smt(mem_set). rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />; smt(mem_set). by auto; rnd{1}; auto => />; smt(mem_set get_set_sameE). - proc; sp 1 1; if; 1,3: by auto. inline*; rcondt{2} ^if; 1: by auto. rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. by auto. - proc; sp 1 1; if; 1,3: by auto. inline*; rcondt{2} ^if; by auto => /> /#. auto => />; smt(mem_empty). qed. local equiv LHS_Real : CV.Game(LHS_(OL_ks.RO, OL_s_1.RO), A).main ~ OutsiderCCA.Game(OutsiderCCA.Oreal(OutsiderCCA.KS), RedOut(A)).main : ={glob A} ==> ={res}. proof. transitivity CV.Game(LHS_(OL_ks.LRO, OL_s_1.RO), A).main (={glob A} ==> ={res}) (={glob A} ==> ={res}); 1,2: smt(). exact LHS_LRO. exact LHS_LRO_Real. qed. (* Part 3: Equivalence of RHS game and the "Ideal" Outsider-CCA game *) (* Instantiating [AuthEncap_res_t] and [AuthDecap_res_t] with EC types still leaves a messy RHS game. Thus, as a first step, we simplify the extracted game. In particular, we eliminate the (lazy) oracle for the encseed and the unused variable maps *) local module RHS0(O_s_1 : OR_s_1.ROmap) = { var m_r_ie : (int * int, unit) fmap var m_r_i : (int, unit) fmap var m_OAEncap : (int * int, pkey) fmap var m_OADecap : (int * int, pkey * ciphertext) fmap var m_Opk : (int, unit) fmap var t_E : (pkey * pkey * ciphertext * key) list proc r_i(i : int) : unit = { if (1 <= i && i <= n /\ (i \notin m_r_i)) { m_r_i.[i] <- tt; O_s_1.sample(i); } } proc r_ie(i : int, ie : int) : unit = { if ((1 <= i && i <= n) /\ (1 <= ie && ie <= qe) /\ (i \in m_r_i) /\ (i,ie) \notin m_r_ie) { m_r_ie.[(i, ie)] <- tt; } } proc init() : unit = { m_r_ie <- empty; m_r_i <- empty; m_OAEncap <- empty; m_OADecap <- empty; m_Opk <- empty; t_E <- []; O_s_1.init(); } proc p_OAEncap(i : int, ie : int, pk_R : pkey) : ciphertext * key = { var aout : ciphertext * key; (* var i2_1 : int; *) var i2_1_list : int list; var k' : key; var es : encseed; var m_ks : (int, keyseed) fmap; var ks : keyseed; var c,k; aout <- witness; if ((1 <= i && i <= n) /\ (1 <= ie && ie <= qe) /\ ((i, ie) \in m_r_ie) /\ ((i, ie) \notin m_OAEncap)) { m_OAEncap.[(i, ie)] <- pk_R; m_ks <@ O_s_1.restrK(); i2_1_list <- filter (fun (i2 : int) => (i2 \in m_ks) /\ pk_R = pkgen (oget m_ks.[i2])) (iota_ 1 n); if (i2_1_list = []) { es <$ duni; ks <@ O_s_1.get(i); aout <- encap es (skgen ks) pk_R; } else { es <$ duni; ks <@ O_s_1.get(i); (c,k) <- encap es (skgen ks) pk_R; k' <$ duni; t_E <- (pkgen ks, pk_R, c, k') :: t_E; aout <- (c, k'); } } return aout; } proc p_OADecap(i : int, id : int, pk_S : pkey, enc : ciphertext) : key option = { var aout : key option; var k'' : key; var rE : key list; var ks : keyseed; aout <- witness; if ((1 <= i && i <= n) /\ (1 <= id && id <= qd) /\ (i \in m_r_i) /\ ((i, id) \notin m_OADecap)) { m_OADecap.[(i, id)] <- (pk_S, enc); ks <@ O_s_1.get(i); rE <- pmap (fun (row : pkey * pkey * ciphertext * key) => let k''0 = row.`4 in if row.`1 = pk_S /\ row.`2 = pkgen ks /\ row.`3 = enc /\ true then Some k''0 else None) t_E; if (rE = []) { ks <@ O_s_1.get(i); aout <- decap (skgen ks) pk_S enc; } else { k'' <$ drat rE; aout <- Some k''; } } return aout; } proc p_Opk(i : int) : pkey = { var aout : pkey; var ks : keyseed; aout <- witness; if ((1 <= i && i <= n) /\ (i \in m_r_i) /\ (i \notin m_Opk)) { m_Opk.[i] <- tt; ks <@ O_s_1.get(i); aout <- pkgen ks; } return aout; } }. local equiv RHS_RHS0: CV.Game(RHS_(OR_ks.LRO, OR_s_1.RO),A).main ~ CV.Game(RHS0(OR_s_1.RO),A).main : ={glob A} ==> ={res}. proof. proc; inline*. call (: ={OR_s_1.RO.m} /\ ={m_r_ie,m_r_i,m_OAEncap,m_OADecap,m_Opk,t_E}(RHS,RHS0) /\ (forall i, i \in OR_ks.RO.m => i \in RHS.m_OAEncap){1} ). - proc. if ; 1,3: by auto. by inline*; auto. - proc; if; 1,3: by auto. by inline*; auto. - proc; sp 1 1; if; 1,3: by auto. inline OR_s_1.RO.restrK; sp. if; 1: by auto. + inline*. rcondt{1} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. by auto => />; smt(mem_set get_set_sameE). rcondt{1} ^if; 1: by auto. inline OR_ks.LRO.get; rcondt{1} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. swap{1} 3 -2. seq 2 1 : (#pre /\ r{1} = es{2}). + by auto => />; rnd{1}; auto => />; smt(drat_ll). sp. inline OR_s_1.RO.get. rcondf{1} 11; 1: by auto => />; smt(mem_set). (* why does rnd not emit a lossless hypothesis? *) wp; rnd{1}; auto => />; smt(mem_set get_setE get_set_sameE ). - proc; sp 1 1; if; 1,3: by auto. swap 1 3. seq 2 2 : (#pre /\ tmp_s_1_i{1} = ks{2} /\ r_0_E{1} = rE{2}). + by inline*; auto. if; [ by auto | by inline*; auto | ]. auto => />; smt(get_set_sameE). - proc; sp 1 1; if; 1,3: by auto. by inline*; auto. by auto; smt(mem_empty). qed. (* The EC model uses [rmaps] (fmaps with randomized get) while the CV model uses a flat table. The memory representation is the same up to tuple nesting *) local op toRow (p : (pkey * pkey * ciphertext) * key) = let (pki,pkj,c) = p.`1 in (pki,pkj,c,p.`2). local op toPair (p : pkey * pkey * ciphertext * key) = let (pki,pkj,c,k) = p in ((pki,pkj,c),k). local lemma toRowK : cancel toRow toPair by move => -[[]]. local lemma toRow_inj : injective toRow. proof. exact: can_inj toRowK. qed. local equiv RHS0_Ideal: CV.Game(RHS0(OR_s_1.RO),A).main ~ OutsiderCCA.Game(OutsiderCCA.Oideal(OutsiderCCA.KS), RedOut(A)).main : ={glob A} ==> ={res}. proof. proc; inline*; wp. call(: ={m_r_ie,m_r_i,m_OAEncap,m_OADecap,m_Opk}(RHS0,LHS) /\ RHS0.t_E{1} = map toRow Oideal.m{2} /\ OR_s_1.RO.m{1} = OutsiderCCA.KS.m{2} /\ (forall i, i \in RHS0.m_r_i <=> i \in OR_s_1.RO.m){1} /\ (forall i ie, (i,ie) \in RHS0.m_r_ie => i \in RHS0.m_r_i){1} /\ (forall i, i \in OR_s_1.RO.m => 1 <= i <= n){1} ). - proc; if; 1,3: by auto. inline*; rcondt{2} ^if. auto => />. auto => />; smt(mem_set get_set_sameE). - proc; if; 1,3: by auto. by inline*; auto => />; smt(mem_set get_set_sameE). - proc; sp 1 1; if; 1,3: by auto. inline C.Count(Oideal(K.RO)).encap Oideal(K.RO).encap. rcondt{2} ^if; 1: by auto. (* to move [m_ks <@ ...] up, we show that [ks <@ ...] does not write the RO *) inline K.RO.get; rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. swap{2} 13 -11. inline K.RO.restrK OR_s_1.RO.restrK; sp. if{1}. - (* public key does not belong to a participant *) rcondf{2} ^if. + auto => /> &h 3? H 6? H2 *. apply find_eq_none => i Hi. apply: contraL H2 => /= C. rewrite -has_filter hasP; exists i. smt(mem_iota). inline*; rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. by swap{1} 3 -2; auto => /> /#. - rcondt{2} ^if. + auto => /> &h 3? H 6? H2 *. pose P := (fun (_ : int) (ks0 : keyseed) => pk_R{h} = pkgen ks0). case (findP P K.RO.m{h}) => [_ C|]; 2: smt(). move: H2; rewrite -has_filter hasP => -[i]. smt(mem_iota). inline*; rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. by swap{1} 3 -2; auto => />. - proc; sp 1 1; if; 1,3: by auto. inline C.Count(Oideal(K.RO)).decap Oideal(K.RO).decap. rcondt{2} ^if; 1: by auto. sp 1 5. seq 1 1 : (#pre /\ ={ks} /\ (ks = oget KS.m.[i]){2}). + by inline*; auto => /> /#. sp 0 1. seq 1 0 : (#pre /\ rE{1} = (RMap.ran Oideal.m (pk,pki,c)){2}). + conseq />; auto => /> &h 10?. rewrite /RMap.ran. elim: (Oideal.m{h}) => [//|r m IHm]. rewrite -[r :: m]cat1s !map_cat filter_cat pmap_cat map_cat; congr => //. case: r => -[]; smt(). sp; if{1}. + rcondf{2} 1; 1: by auto => />; smt(RMap.domE). by inline*; auto => /> /#. + rcondt{2} 1; 1: by auto => />; smt(RMap.domE). conseq (: _ ==> ={aout}); 1: smt(). wp 2 1; rnd : *0 *0; skip => /> &h 11?; split => [|_] ko. by rewrite dmap_id /RMap."_.[_]" /= ifF. by rewrite dmap_id /RMap."_.[_]" /= ifF. - proc; sp 1 1; if; 1,3: by auto. inline*; rcondt{2} ^if; by auto => /> /#. by auto; smt(mem_empty). qed. local equiv RHS_Ideal : CV.Game(RHS_(OR_ks.RO, OR_s_1.RO), A).main ~ OutsiderCCA.Game(OutsiderCCA.Oideal(OutsiderCCA.KS), RedOut(A)).main : ={glob A} ==> ={res}. proof. transitivity CV.Game(RHS_(OR_ks.LRO, OR_s_1.RO), A).main (={glob A} ==> ={res}) (={glob A} ==> ={res}); 1,2: smt(). - exact RHS_LRO. transitivity CV.Game(RHS0(OR_s_1.RO),A).main (={glob A} ==> ={res}) (={glob A} ==> ={res}); 1,2: smt(). - exact RHS_RHS0. - exact RHS0_Ideal. qed. lemma LHS_RHS &m : `| Pr[CV.Game(LHS, A).main() @ &m : res ] - Pr[CV.Game(RHS, A).main () @ &m : res] | = `| Pr[OutsiderCCA.Game(OutsiderCCA.Oreal(OutsiderCCA.KS), RedOut(A)).main() @ &m : res] - Pr[OutsiderCCA.Game(OutsiderCCA.Oideal(OutsiderCCA.KS), RedOut(A)).main() @ &m : res] |. proof. have -> : Pr[CV.Game(LHS, A).main() @ &m : res ] = Pr[OutsiderCCA.Game(OutsiderCCA.Oreal(OutsiderCCA.KS), RedOut(A)).main() @ &m : res]. - by byequiv LHS_Real. have -> : Pr[CV.Game(RHS, A).main() @ &m : res ] = Pr[OutsiderCCA.Game(OutsiderCCA.Oideal(OutsiderCCA.KS), RedOut(A)).main() @ &m : res]. - by byequiv RHS_Ideal. done. qed. lemma RedOut_bound (O0 <: Oracle{-C.Count, -RedOut(A)} ): hoare[ RedOut(A, C.Count(O0)).guess : (O2.counts0 C.Count.ce 0) ==> (O2.counts (qe * n) (qd * n) 0 C.Count.ce 0)]. proof. proc. inline*. call (: C.Count.ce = card (fdom LHS.m_OAEncap) /\ (fdom LHS.m_OAEncap) \subset LibExt.product (oflist (iota_ 1 n)) (oflist (iota_ 1 qe)) /\ = card (fdom LHS.m_OADecap) /\ (fdom LHS.m_OADecap) \subset LibExt.product (oflist (iota_ 1 n)) (oflist (iota_ 1 qd)) ). - proc; if; 2: by auto. by call(: true); auto. - by proc; inline*; auto. - proc; sp 1; if; 2: by auto. inline*; auto; call(: true); auto => /> &h *. split; 1: smt(fdom_set fcardU1 mem_fdom). smt(get_setE mem_fdom mem_oflist mem_iota LibExt.productP). - proc; sp 1; if; 2: by auto. inline*; auto; call(: true); auto => /> &h *. split; 1: smt(fdom_set fcardU1 mem_fdom). smt(get_setE mem_fdom mem_oflist mem_iota LibExt.productP). - proc; sp 1; if; 2: by auto. by call(: true); auto. auto => />; rewrite !fdom0 fcards0 !sub0set /=. smt(card_iota qe_gt0 n_gt0 qd_ge0 LibExt.card_product subset_leq_fcard). qed. lemma B_bound (O <: O2.Oracle{-A,-O2.CB.Count,-O2.C.Count,-B11,-RedOut,-C.Count}): hoare[ B(A,O2.CB.Count(O)).guess : O2.counts0 O2.CB.Count.ce ==> O2.counts (2*(qe*n)) (qd*n) 1 O2.CB.Count.ce]. proof. have X := B11_bound (RedOut(A)) _ _ O. - by move => {O} O *; islossless; apply (A_ll (ORedOut(O))); islossless. - move => {O} O. conseq (RedOut_bound O). by conseq X => /#. qed. lemma main &m : `| Pr[Game(LHS, A).main() @ &m : res ] - Pr[Game(RHS, A).main() @ &m : res] | <= (n ^ 2 * (qe * n))%r * `| Pr[O2.Game(O2.Oreal, B(A)).main() @ &m : res] - Pr[O2.Game(O2.Oideal, B(A)).main() @ &m : res] | + (n ^ 2)%r * PK. proof. rewrite LHS_RHS. apply (theorem11 (RedOut(A))). - by move => O *; islossless; apply (A_ll (ORedOut(O))); islossless. - by move => O; conseq (RedOut_bound O). qed. end section.